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Q: What graphs are use to make prediction about dependent variablese?
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What is a prediction and how do we make prediction from data?

Dan Henderson vs. Rashad Evans Prediction

What is the difference between linear and non linear graphs?

Linear graphs make straight lines. Non-linear graphs make thins like parabolas, hyperbolas, and ellipses.

Why is it helpful to use a graph to make a prediction?

a graph allows you to see how data is behaving or has behaved in the past. For example is the data increasing or is it decreasing. Is it bunching together or is it spread apart and random. Graphs allow you to see trends in data and help to more accurately make predictions.

Make sentence about prediction?

my prediction about the bowling ball falling first was true.

How do you make a hypothesis testable?

By using it to make a prediction. (The most famous was the (relativity) prediction that gravity would bend light.)

Why do scientist make graphs of data from experiment?

to observe general trends and pattern in a data

Which type of graphs show patterns and make comparison about groups?

All graphs show patterns. Bar charts are one way to show comparisons between groups.

What do graphs make it easy to do?

Compare data

Do graphs make relationships easier to understand?

When graphs are used correctly, they do make relationships easier to understand. they provide a useful way to visualize relationships.

What is the best way to make sure graphs sure graphs are easy to interpret?

Descriptive axis labels and legends

What prediction did Edmon Halley make?

that you will fail

How do you make a prediction about garlic?

Try it raw.