The greatest thing about decimal numbers is that since most people have 10 fingers/thumbs, they have handy way of using their body to help them when counting. Sorry for the pun, there.
999,999,999 or with 9 decimal places 999,999,999.999999999
It is 543210. A decimal number need not be fractional.
It is 543210. Decimal number need not be fractional.
The greatest common factor (or GCF) is the highest number that can divide into aanother number, and not have a decimal (whole number).
Whole number : 999,999 Decimal : .999999 Mixed number : 99,999.9
1112 which, in decimal, is 7
999,999,999 or with 9 decimal places 999,999,999.999999999
6.5 and 6.500 are equal.
It is 543210. A decimal number need not be fractional.
It is 543210. Decimal number need not be fractional.
It would be 999 hundredths, which is 9.99