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Q: What happen if you dig a hole from one side of the earth to the other side?
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If you jump do the water on the other side of the earth move?

NO. The Earth is way too vast for that to happen.

What happen when earth is not going rotating?

Earth will have day on one side and night on the other and everyone will die.

What year did the eruption of Krakatau happen?

The massive one happen in 1883 and it was apparently felt at the other side of the earth! By the way this is true im not fibbing!

If you dig a hole from one side of the earth to the other side and you throw a titanium ball in the hole does it fall to the other side or will it balance in the middle gravity issue?

In reality, you couldn't dig a hole through the Earth; the core of the Earth is molten iron, and quite fluid. But if you COULD..... If you have a perfectly smooth tunnel clear through the Earth, then if you dropped a titanium (or any other material) in, it would fall, accelerating all the way, to the center. It would then rise, slowing down, until it ALMOST reached the surface on the other side. If the tunnel were in a vacuum, it would, almost exactly, reach the other end before falling back in. The one-way trip would take 82 minutes. Because of the rotation of the Earth, the ball would be banging or rolling along the wall of the tunnel as the ball fell and the Earth rotated around it.

What would happen if earth was exposed to the sun for 6 months?

The earth is continuously exposed to the sun, and has been for 4.5 billion years. If you mean, what would happen if the earth stopped rotating for six months, one side would burn off and the other side would freeze.

You are a 3rd grader you need to know how would you dig a hole to the other side of the earth?

unfortunately it cannot be done. The centre of the earth is so extremely hot that even rocks melt, and under its also under humungous pressure. The best way to get to the other side of the earth would probably be to fly

What are the release dates for How to Dig a Hole to the Other Side of the World - 1980?

How to Dig a Hole to the Other Side of the World - 1980 was released on: USA: 1980

Why does night happen?

When your side of the earth faces the sun

If you drill a hole through the earth from Buenos Aires in what country would you come out?

no place but death because you would die before you get to the other side because the hot rock in the center of the earth

If you jumped down a hole drilled directly through the earth theoretically would your velocity take you past the center of the earth?

Yes, in theory, ignoring air resistance and other factors, your velocity would carry you past the center of the Earth and you would oscillate back-and-forth. This is because the force of gravity would continually accelerate you until you reached the other side of the Earth.

If you dig a hole to the other side of earth and push someone down the hole would that person just float there or implode?

You would never make it to the other side of the world. The centre of the earth is full of molten lava. You would be cremated. EDIT;; This is just an edit to the question. Answer anyway, please? This has been confusing me for a long time... We're assuming that Earth's core would not burn you up, that the Earth is perfectly solid dirt with a hole straight through the middle. And, at one point if you fell down this hole, wouldn't you be falling UP? I am very confused. (O.o?) So there is absolutely no possibility of burning up... (It's only hypothetical, I know the Earth's core is hot..)

What happens when a ball is dropped through an imaginary hole through the earth?

If a ball is dropped through an imaginary hole drilled through the Earth, it will undergo simple harmonic motion due to gravity as it oscillates back and forth between the center of the Earth and the opposite side of the hole. The ball's speed would decrease as it reaches the center due to the gravitational pull being zero, and then accelerate again as it moves towards the other side. The ball would continue this motion until eventually coming to rest at the opposite side of the hole.