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Q: What happends when a Indian walks 10km per a day?
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it will be saint david's day like every over year!

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that happends to me somtimes its not a dissorder

What is physical overload?

Physical overload is when you give your body more to do than it is accustomed to do. Such as running 3 km and the next day 10km.

Which day is called as the Indian censes day?

9 march is indian censes day

Who walks scout to school on her first day?

Atticus Finch, Scout's father, walks her to school on her first day in Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird."

Which date Indian Tourism Day celebrate?

Hi, Indian Tourism day is celebrated on January 25th....

How many calories would you burn walking a football field?

I work from a really simple formula that works for running or walking: one calorie per kilogram of bodyweight per km or "calories = kg per km" I know it is not exact but is close enough to work out dietary requirements MOST of the time. Example: 90kg person walks 10 km burns 900 Calories. One still needs to add in the basal metabolic rate of "calories = kg per hour". So that in the above example, in one day a 90kg person runs (or walks) 10km their total calorie for the day equals: 90 kg x 24hours = 2160 PLUS 90 kg x 10km = 900 =>3060 Calories.

When was black day in Indian constitution?

In India black day was celebrated when it was a shameful day fro Indian constitution as they did something which was never done in the history of Indian constitution..and it is held on 21 July

When will it be Indian Scout and Guide Flag Day?

Indian Scout and Guide Flag Day is held on November 7th.

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every day

What happends if you buy another nintendo 3DS?

you simply have 2 3DS's. you can use them to make a streetpass every day that will help you with the mii quest and/or the puzzle swap!