If a fraction's denominator is increased, the number gets smaller. If a fraction's denominator is decreased, the number gets bigger.
As the slope gets bigger the graph becomes closer to vertical - from bottom left to top right.
No. That's the simplest it gets! :)
it gets bigger
A reflex angle - until it gets to 360 deg.
If a fraction's denominator is increased, the number gets smaller. If a fraction's denominator is decreased, the number gets bigger.
It gets schmaller.
One third is bigger maddamNo,1/3 = 0.3333333333331/4 = 0.251/3 is bigger. As the denominator gets bigger, the fraction gets smaller.
1/8 > 1/12. When the denominator gets larger the fraction becomes smaller.
what happends when joggers get mad
the flower gets back at you and bites you.
your punter goes in, and then you lose
That makes perfect sense. The bigger the bottom number gets in a fraction, the smaller the value of the fraction gets. Because a bigger number on the bottom means that one whole thing is cut up into more pieces; so naturally each piece is going to be smaller.
His pulse rate would decreaseHis pulse would increase
The temperature goes down ie it gets colder.
Well, the infant gets baptised by getting water put on his or her head.