The world was created by God which we dont know how many years before.This is verse one.
The world was destroyed and the state of that world we read in verse two.
When it was destroyed we dont know.
The gap between first and second verse may be crores of years.
Thats why scientists found something and thay say it was more than 10000 years or more that that.
Here is a partial list. Eve: Genesis 2-4 Sarah and Hagar: Genesis 16, 20 Lot's daughters: Genesis 19 Rebecca: Genesis 26 Leah and Rachel: Genesis 28-33 Dinah: Genesis 34 Tamar: Genesis 38 The Wife of Potiphar: Genesis 39 Shifrah and Puah: Exodus 1 Miriam: Exodus 15; Numbers 12 Acsah: Judges 1 Deborah and Yael: Judges 4-5 Yiphthah's daughter: Judges 11-12 Delilah: Judges 16 Hannah and Penina: 1 Samuel 1-2 Michal: 1 Samuel 17; 2 Samuel 6 Abigail: 1 Samuel 25 Bathsheba: 2 Samuel 11-12; 1 Kings 1-2 Tamar: 2 Samuel 13 Rizpah: 2 Samuel 21 Jezebel: 1 Kings 16-21; 2 Kings 9 Vashti and Esther: Esther 1-2 Ruth
Creation and the fall of Man.
The Bible is a record of what God wants MAN-kind to know. The Bible was not written for the angels. No doubt the angels have their own instructions and messages from God. Therefore there was probably lots going on in the heavenly realm which involved activities for the angels. God is not one to have his living creatures just sit around idly. On earth, even animal-LIFE, is constantly doing things. For that matter, even plant-LIFE, is constantly programmed to do things. They grow, they produce flowers, or fruit, or seed. Therefore between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2, no doubt there has always been activity going on. As long as there are living things, on earth, or in the heavenly realm, there is always some type of WORK happening. But God did not make mankind privy to everything happening during Universal History. God limited the Bible to the needs of MAN-kind.
Cain was born first, to Adam and Eve, in Genesis 4:1. His brother Abel was born next, in Genesis 4:2.
Nothing happened. Between Verse-1 and Verse-2, there are no words.
See: The Gap Theory This theory holds that the gap in time between God's initial creation in Genesis 1:1 and His subsequent re-creation (The Seven Days of Creation) is when Satan rebelled against God. Notice 1:1 says God created the heavens and the earth. 1:2 says" the earth was void and darkness ruled over the face of the deep" showing something chaotic happened. The time frame here could be billions of years, which can account for the old age of the earth and universe. The book "Earth's Earliest Ages" By G.H. Pember details this theory and the time gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:3 very well.
In the first creation story in Genesis (Genesis 1:1-2:4a), man is created to be master over all (Genesis 1:28).In the second creation story in Genesis (Genesis 2:4b-25), man is created to be the servant of the earth (Genesis 2:5, 15).
The event (fallen angels) was after Genesis 1:1 and before Genesis 1:2
He died between cars 1 and cars 2
The Division - 2011 Genesis 1-2 was released on: USA: 12 December 2011
Infamous - 2010 Genesis Chapter 2 1-2 was released on: USA: 22 March 2010
The Sega Genesis Model 2 is just a compacter (smaller) version of the Sega Genesis. So yes it can Lets say it like this : Sega Genesis (phat) = model 1 and The Sega Genesis (slim) = model 2 Hope i helped
Terra Nova - 2011 Genesis Part 2 1-2 is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:12
1) Genesis ch.28, the dream of the ladder 2) Genesis ch.31, concerning the flocks