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Q: What happened in 405 B.C. that led T to Athens surrender in 404 B.C.?
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Where did the Peloponnesian War end?

The Peloponnesian Wars ceased at the Battle of Aegospotami in 405 BC and Athens , in 404 BC , capitulated to the Spartans .

How did the war between Athens and Sparta end?

The final battle at Aigospotamai was won by the Spartan-led Peloponnesian League in 405 BCE. Athens was then besieged and starved into submission in 404 BCE as without its fleet it could not import food.

When did the Peloponnesian War begin?

404 BCE after Spartan admiral Lysander captured the entire Athenian fleet at Aigospotamai in the Dardanelles. He then sent all Athenians in the Aegean home to ensure the city starved out all the sooner.

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The address of the Athens - Limestone Public Library is: 405 East South Street, Athens, 35611 2664

Is it wrong to change the carburetor for peugeot 405 for a carburetor of peugeot 404 or 504 would the consumption go down?

my experience is that the original 405 carburetor when functioning well is more economical than fitting a 504 or a 404 carb. the whole 405 carb unit must be functioning well for it to offer good fuel consumption. with it i manage 30mpg in city drive and up to 39mpg highway. the 504 and 404 carbs cannot achieve that, the best they can do is a max of 35 mpg given that the engine and the car in general is functioning well.

What does code 405 mean in monkey quest?

i think code 405 is that something happened

How did Athens play a part in its own downfall?

Athens never did recover from their lost of Persian during the plague. In 405 B.C the Sparta staged a blockade. The Spartans surrounded the Athens and closed their harbor with food and supplies. Beaten and starving they surrendered in 404 B.C.

When did Battle of Aegospotami happen?

Battle of Aegospotami happened in -405.

What broke the Athens defense?

Their navy was destroyed at Aigospotamai in 405 BCE and the crews captured. Besieged Athens, without being able to import food by sea, was starved into submission.

Who won the Peloponnesian War?

The Peloponnesian War was between Athens and its allies and Sparta and its allies, with Persia supporting Sparta financially later in the war, which lasted for 27 years from 431 to 404 BCE, devastating the Greek world from Sicily to Asia Minor in the process.In 404 BCE the Spartan fleet destroyed the Athenian one at Aigospotomai (Goat Rivers) in the Dardanelles, killing off Athens' last hope. After that Athens was invested, and after a seige surrendered.The real outcome was that Greece was left weakened and divided, allowing Persia to establish influence over Greece which it had failed after its military defeats earlier in the century.The Peloponnesian League.

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441 or 484

What is the error 401 402 403 404 405?

They're HTTP status codes. They are nothing but the errors in HTTP. The error codes of 4xx are called client errors which are caused by some mistakes done my the user. They error codes mean: 401 - Wrong Authentication 402 - Requires some Payments to be done 403 - Authentication required, no public access 404 - Web page does not exist/Required content not found 405 - Method of sending data is not allowed