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Q: What happened to the guy who lost the pie eating contest math riddle?
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What happened the guy that lost the pie eating contest?

he came in sickened

What happened to the guy that lost the pie-eating contest?

he came in sickened

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He came in sickened.

What are the release dates for The Answer to the Lost Riddle - 2009?

The Answer to the Lost Riddle - 2009 was released on: USA: 2009

What happened to the guy who lost the pie-eating contest?

He came in sickened (sounds like second). Put spaces on a d, i, l, and u

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The sirens. They lost a contest when they challenged the muses, and therefore were cursed.

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The cast of The Answer to the Lost Riddle - 2009 includes: Michael Hoggard as Himself - Host

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Arachne and Athena had a weaving contest but Athena lost and turned her into a spider.

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The Answer to the Lost Riddle - 2009 Capitol Secrets 1-2 was released on: USA: 2009

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How do Japanese think about the pacific war?

The pacific war was a contest to see who could control it. In WWII, they lost that contest.