It represents 500 = five hundred
The digit 6 is 1,000 times greater than the value of the 4.
When you multiply a fraction by 1, the value does not change. It is like this for any number.
Reciprocal of a number is the value you get when you divide 1 by that number. Also if you multiply a number with its reciprocal you will always get 1.
To get the original number, multiply the square root of the number by itself.
The place value of the 2 is in hundred thousands place.
It represents 500 = five hundred
The digit 6 is 1,000 times greater than the value of the 4.
Multiply it by -1?
When you multiply a fraction by 1, the value does not change. It is like this for any number.
You can multiply or divide it by any negative number.
To find the answer all you do is add a zero to the number.
Reciprocal of a number is the value you get when you divide 1 by that number. Also if you multiply a number with its reciprocal you will always get 1.
To get the original number, multiply the square root of the number by itself.
Multiply by a number greater than 1 will increase the value. Multiplying by less than one will decrease the number.
Subtract a positive value from it. Add a negative value to it. Multiply by a number smaller than 1 Divide by a number larger than 1.
Tiesonthewall:If you were converting from degree to radians, you would actually multiply the value of degrees by* π/180 If you were converting from radians to degrees, you would multiply the radians value by:* 180/πDivide by 180° and multiply by pi.