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Q: What happens if Cecil goes any number of feet in one direction and the same number of feet in the other direction?
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Well, a scalar is simply a quantity with no direction (as contrasted to a vector, which has direction). So, I suppose, one might say: a direction-less number?

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Cecil Hobart Peabody has written: 'Thermodynamics of the steam-engine and other heat-engines'

What does directed number mean in math?

It is usually a vector and is a number which has a direction associated with it. Velocity is an example of a directed number. The velocity of an object is not only its speed (distance/time) but also the direction of travel. Acceleration, force are other common vectors.

What happens when 2 forces act in same direction?

according to vector addition: i: if the forces are equal then they will cancel each other and body will be in equilibrium. ii: if they are not equal then they will produce a net force in particular direction.

What happens when velocity and acceleration are not in the same direction?

When velocity and acceleration are not in the same direction, the object's speed may be changing. If the acceleration and velocity are in opposite directions, the object will slow down. If they are at right angles to each other, the object will change direction without changing speed.

What would happen if you change the movement of a tornado?

Tornadoes change direction all the time. All that happens is the tornado goes somewhere other than where it was originally headed. It is impossible for a humans to change a tornado's direction.

What happens when one object exerts force on another?

Te naswer depends on the direction and magnitude of the force and any other forces acting on the body.

What happens to the value of a number when multiplied by a decimal?

Nothing special happens. The answer can be smaller or bigger. A rational can become irrational or the other way around.

Why does five have even and odd multiples?

That happens because 5 is an odd number. An odd number times an odd number will give you an odd product; an odd number times an even number will give you an even product. The same happens for the multiples of any other odd number.

Force is a quantity made up of magnitude and?

Magnitude and direction. In other words, it is a vector.Magnitude and direction. In other words, it is a vector.Magnitude and direction. In other words, it is a vector.Magnitude and direction. In other words, it is a vector.

What happens to an objects motion if two equal act on it in opposite direction?

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