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You cant go through the full scientific method process.(Because the 7th step is drawing conclusions & checking whether your hypothesis is right or wrong.)

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Q: What happens if a hypothesis is rejected?
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What happens to a hypothesis that is not supported by data that has been collected and analyzed?

It's most likely to get rejected.

What is Rejected Hypothesis?

It is when you know that your hypothesis is wrong.

The results you expect when you test hypothesis?

When testing a hypothesis, you expect to either reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis based on the evidence collected. If the null hypothesis is rejected, it suggests that there is enough evidence to support the alternative hypothesis. If the null hypothesis is not rejected, it implies that the data does not provide enough evidence to support the alternative hypothesis.

What causes a hypothesis to be rejected?

A hypothesis will be rejected if it fails the necessary testing required for it to become a scientific theory.

Why can an accepted hypothesis be rejected at a later date?

The answer to the question why is this: It can be rejected at a later date because it is falsifiable in nature if it is a good hypothesis. If you meant to ask HOW it can be rejected, the answer is by way of further experimentation that rules out some or all of the hypothesis as stated.

What do you call the statement that determines if the null hypothesis is rejected?

The hypothesis test.

Are hypothesis often rejected?

no. you need to have solid proof that it exist.. else it will be rejected.

Should flemings hypothesis be supported or rejected based on the experiment?

To determine whether Fleming's hypothesis should be supported or rejected based on an experiment, one would need to analyze the results of the experiment in relation to the hypothesis. If the data from the experiment aligns with the predictions made by Fleming's hypothesis, then it should be supported. However, if the results contradict the hypothesis, it may need to be rejected or revised.

How is H1 hypothesis rejected?

H1 hypothesis is rejected when the p-value associated with the test statistic is less than the significance level (usually 0.05) chosen for the hypothesis test. This indicates that the data provides enough evidence to reject the alternative hypothesis in favor of the null hypothesis.

Can hypothesis be supported or rejected by through experimentation?


What is meant by null hypothesis rejected?

It tells us that H1,H0 (alternative )hypothesis is selected

Is The probability at which the null hypothesis can be rejected with confidence is known as beta?
