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Different penalties have different inforcments. Some are considered "spot fouls" and are inforced from the "spot" of the infraction. Others are continuation penalties and are enforced from the result of the play. SPOT FOUL: If it was offensive holding at the 35, the team would be penalized from the spot of the infraction...ball placed at the 25 yard line. CONTINUATION PENALTY: If it was defensive face mask (inadvertant), the offense would be given 5 yards onto the end of the run, 1st and 10 at the 44. A continuation penalty can not result in a touchdown. When the penalty is over half the distance to the goal, you are awarded "half the distance to the goal".

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Q: What happens if a team has the ball first and ten on their 30 yard line and a pass is received at the 33 yard line and a player makes it to the 39 but a penalty flag is thrown at the 35 yard line?
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