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I assume you're talking about having a relative humidity of 100%, correct?

Relative humidity is current amount of water vapor in the air divided by the maximum possible amount of water vapor in the air at that temperature and air pressure. If you have 100% relative humidity, water cannot evaporate.

The unfortunate result of this is that sweating in warm, high humidity air (90% plus) is counterproductive - your body can do better keeping cool with the water inside of you than it can with you covered in water that will maintain the atmospheric temperature for a while even if you find somewhere cooler to recover.

RH is NOT the water content of the air - if that were so, everything in the South American rainforest would have drowned long since.

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Q: What happens if the atmosphere is 100 percent saturated?
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Is one hundred percent water vapor in the air?

No, it is always less than one hundred percent.

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That would be "dewpoint"...When the air temperature falls to the dewpoint (or dewpoint rises to the air temperature), then you have 100% relative humidity.

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Why doesn't the atmosphere add up to 100 percent?

It will if all components are included.

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