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Q: What happens if you ad alcohol to a container with a floating paper clip?
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How do you remove ink on prescription paper?

as long as its not gel ink from a gel pen....this absolutly works....get a container large enough to fit the prescription paper and another container the same size....get brake fluid(you can buy it anywhere) and 91% isopropyl alcohol....put brake fluid in the first container....put paper in the brake the magic happen...give it about 30 - 45 mins....and then put it in the other container with alcohol....let it sit for about 30 - 45 mins....wrap gently in 4 paper towels and let naturally will have a blank script paper...i always do it and write it out for 15mg or 30mg oxycodone....just dont get caught!

What is floating paper?

a goost

What is a container for paper money called?

A container for paper money is called a SEALBAG. Thanks!

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If blue litmus paper is dipped in bleach, it will turn white or colorless. Bleach is a strong oxidizing agent that can react with the blue dye in the litmus paper, causing it to lose its color.

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Floating currency.

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Where do the paper clips stay?

in a little container

Why is placing a paper label on a juice container is an indirect use of water?

Because by placing a paper label on a juice container you are indirectly using water already because you need water to make paper.

Will a paper clip float on alcohol?

Yes, a paper clip will likely float on alcohol because alcohol has a density lower than that of water, making it less dense and able to support the weight of the paper clip.

What is a good title for floating paper clips?

water vs paperclips

What will you say or suggest or what will you do if you see hundred of paper floating on the river?
