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if you fail the geometry regents you met get a phone call saying you failed or a letter then you might have to do summer school and take it again in August but there also is another in January hope i helped =]

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Q: What happens if you fail the geometry regents?
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3 hours

How do you pass the Geometry regents?

review the topics from the last year geometry regents topics at and all u have to do is get 25 questions right and u get a 72

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It's not a curve, but they make it nearly impossible to fail a regents. If you look at some of the old exams, you only have to get 40 points out of 86ish to get a 65. If you were to get 10 points off (5 mult. choice or whatever extended response) you still get an 89. So pretty much, you're not going to fail unless you got more than half of the points off.

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if you fail the english regent you will need to retake it in august or the following june because you need that regrnt to graduate from high school and get ur diploma. hope i helped :)

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Yes, you can compare two distances in geometry. Here are some ways to do it:

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What happens if you miss a New York State Education Department regents exam?

You will most likely fail that class unless you had 95 or higher prior to the test.

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what happens is that it counts as 30% of your grade and it will bring your grade down majorly. If you have an A in the class and bomb the EOC your grade might go down to a C, if lower than an A you might fail the class

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