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Q: What happens if you jump 200 times a day?
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What happens to a person 200 times a day on average?

Flush toliet

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What are the names of all the Olympic events that the feature of the women's heptathlon?

Events on the first day are 100 meter hurdles, high jump, shot put, and 200 meter dash. Events on the second day are long jump, javelin, and 800 meter run.

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in a half day it occur or happens 22 times

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A Second Passes!

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weak soup , about 200-grammes of bread and porridge

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Herpes could develop

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you could get arthritis=(

How can you increase your jump?

The best way is to jump every day. If you jump every day, the height you jump will be the standard for your body. You will then need to push yourself to jump higher, which will then become the standard, and so on.

How do you jump up to 20 feet up in the air?

The way to jump 20 feet it to first practice on a trampoline about 9 times every day then after a week or so mentally visualize you jumping on the trampoline and actually jump up then you can jump up 20 feet in the air!