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Nothing happens if you see the same thing twice. People who are said to have already experienced something before it actually happened are said to be having deja vu. This means a person is doing something or seen something they feel they've already done before.

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Q: What happens if you see the same thing twice?
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How come 14 is even?

because the same number can go in to it twice see 7+7=14

You can see me twice in a decade but once in a year and not in day but once in June and twice in a week?

The Letter "e"

Why it happens in maths that addition and subtraction makes subtraction?

Ok i can see where you would have trouble with this. When i first started Algebra, i wasn't quite sure how this worked. Here are some examples: 2-+2=0 the subtraction sign cancels the addition out. (2-2 is the same thing) 2- -2= 4 the two subtraction signs make an addition sign. (2+2 is the same thing) I hope i could help you.

What is the value of a bingo ticket with the same number printed twice?

I'd say it's worthless, but what the heck, put it on eBay and see if someone will pay a couple hundred bucks.

Can magic squares equal something that is not 15?

Yes. Just add the same number to each square and see what happens. Also, there are magic squares of different sizes.

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This will not do you any harm. That is not good advice. Not brushing your teeth for two weeks can easily give you a cavity or two (or three). Ideally, you should be brushing your teeth twice each day, and you need to see a dentist twice a year. Any doctor, dentist, or otherwise qualified healthcare professional will tell you the exact same thing. See the Related Question below.

What happens if you get your periods twice in a month?

Sorry, but you're just unlucky, nothing happens. But if this happens regularly get off the computer and see a trained doctor... Hope this helps :)

What happens if you get your period twice in a month unfortunately?

Sorry, but you're just unlucky, nothing happens. But if this happens regularly get off the computer and see a trained doctor... Hope this helps :)

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When you connect 2 Nintendogs games, then you get to bring one of your supplies if you want to then trade with your friend. You get to play with their puppy with yours too. The same thing happens to the other person. You get to see their trainer info and they get to see yours too.

What happens when starlight hits the planets?

The same thing that happens to any other light; some of it is absorbed by the atmospheres and surfaces of the planets while some is reflected back into space. Starlight is too dim to see objects by it.

Do people from other cultures on Earth see the same stars constellations and asterisms that you see?

Yes, different cultures see the same stars and constellations in the night sky. However, interpretations and mythologies associated with the stars may vary among cultures. The patterns of stars that form constellations are universal.

How do you say the same thing as someone else on club penguin?

Well lets see first you type in the same thing as you see a penguin say.and that's it!

How come 14 is even?

because the same number can go in to it twice see 7+7=14

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No they are not the same thing invincable is like industructable and invisible is unable to be seen or see through

How do you know when your cross-eyed?

you see two of the the same thing