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Q: What happens if you stay in bed for six months to your body?
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Yes it can

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stay in bed for 8 days and dont move your body and relax

How long was Frida Kahlo in her body cast?

She never quite recovered, she was bed-ridden for the rest of her life. her mother made her a special easel with which she could paint in bed.

Which blood vessels in the lungs help your body take in and give out gases?

Gas exchange happens in the bed of CAPILLARIES in the lungs.

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in my bed

What are the safety features of the tanning bed?

Tanning beds include a session timer as a safety feature, so that you do not stay in the tanning bed too long. Most beds also have internal cooling systems that cool the bed and the body during the sesion and after.

How should I get out of bed and stay out of bed?

There are a few ways to do that. I recommend putting where your alarm is across the room making your body wake up by walking. Another way is to have 2 alarms. When this happens you have one next to you and one you have to get up and go to. Try to get 9 hours of sleep and 10 hours and 30 minutes at the max to get the best rest and mood when you wake up.

What will Help with phentermine withdrawals?

I came off phentermine after using it for 8 months and couldnt get out of bed for days, I used lots of cofee to stay awake and over the counter not so strong stackers to keep me from wanting to crawl right back in bed!

Is it healthy to never leave your bed room?

No, because your body needs the sunlight to stay alive. Also, you need to walk and do some exercice to keep healthy and, unless you have a very huge bed room, it is impossible.

How do you stay hard in bed?


Is it better to use a tanning bed daily with a short stay time or semiweekly with a long stay time?

It is better to use a tanning bed daily then semi weekly. You have a better change of burning the longer you stay in a tanning bed.

How long should I stay in bed with acute tonsillitis- please not this is not after surgery Im just on antibiotics?

You should stay in bed for as long as you feel unwell. Your body will tell you how long you need to rest. Generally I would relax and take it easy for a couple of days to let the antibiotics truly work.