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Q: What happens if you unintentionally cross a sector line?
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What is a sector line?

The sector line is a line that is used to divide two different areas. It is commonly used in sports.

What is the answer to the puzzle on card 100 the sabotaged lab from the 39 clues?

The answer is "this is what happens when you cross the line."

What is the sector line used in track and field?

The sector line is used to f**k your mama

What happens to time and date as you cross the international dateline at 180 degrees from Honolulu to japan?

In that direction, you turn your calendar ahead 24 hours when you cross the line.

What is the sector line?

The sector line is the line in which marks the edge of a field in track and field events. The shot or ball must land within the lines to be accepted as valid.

When was Cross That Line created?

Cross That Line was created in 1988.

What name is given to a line that divides another line into halves?

When a line divides another in two equal parts, it is called a bisector. If the bisector happens to cross the other line at right angles, it is called a perpendicular bisector.

What happens when 2 parallel lines cross a straight line?

Their angles of intersection are the same, and the angles facing each other are supplementary.

Is a cross a intersecting line or a parallel line?

A cross is a pair of intersecting lines.

What is when two lines cross?

A line cross

What is a circuit connected to the Earth called?

Grounding?AnswerIf a line conductor is unintentionally connected to earth, then it is an earth fault.

What is a cross line?

A line that crosses a section