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You get two points.

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Q: What happens in basketball when one foot is in the 2 point zone and the other foot is in the 3 point zone and you shoot and make it?
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Can a point guard shoot the ball in basketball?

no point guard gets the ball to other people on the team there is no such ting as a shooting guard!

How do you make a 3 in basketball?

shoot beyond the three point line

Did most professional basketball players shoot above their heads when they were young?

the three-point line the three-point line

If you shoot from the 3 point line in basketball will you score 6 points?

No, you will score 3 points.

How many times can you shoot after making a point in basketball?

yiou can only shoot once You can shoot as much as you can but you cannot shoot twice. If the ball goes into the hoop, it automatically goes to the opposing team. Does that answer the question?

Three point line basketball?

The three point line is a line around the perimeter that if you shoot out of it and make it, it counts as 3 points.

What do the five basketball positions mean and what do they do?

the one at the top of the key is called point gaurd:they shoot and most of the time are the leader of the team. They usually have basketball experience and can shoot. Then there are the wings, they are very skilled at dribbling and can also shoot and dribble through other people. Then there is posts, they are usually tall or strong or both! They should be able to put a move on the defensive player and make a lay-up. =) the one at the top of the key is called point gaurd:they shoot and most of the time are the leader of the team. They usually have basketball experience and can shoot. Then there are the wings, they are very skilled at dribbling and can also shoot and dribble through other people. Then there is posts, they are usually tall or strong or both! They should be able to put a move on the defensive player and make a lay-up. =)

What is a made shot behind the three point arc in basketball?

No matter where you shoot from, after the three point arc it just counts as a three pointer.

How many point do you earn if the puck goes in the basketball net?

In basketball, there is no "puck". You play with a basketball. In basketball, you can either get 1, 2, or 3 points. When you are shooting a free-throw and make it, you get 1 point. When you are inside the 3 point line and you shoot the ball and make it, you get 2 points. And finally, when you are outside the 3 point line you get 3 points.

Is it a legal shot in basketball to shoot from behind the backboard?

No its not it will be the other teams ball

What is basketball played on?

the game of basketball is played on a court divided into two halfs with a basketball hoop on each end. On ech end of the court there is a three point line to shoot behind, a freethrow line to shoot free throws on and a lane where you can only stand in for three seconds.

What is the best form to shoot a basketball if your are 11 and you can't shoot straight from your head from three point because you're not old or strong enough?

if ur 11 and cant shoot over ur head then basketball is just not ur thing but u can always try to throw underhand