The area doubles if the base stays the same.
Just moving a triangle, or rotating, or even reflecting (without scaling) a shape will not change its area or its perimeter.
The area gets doubled.
If the altitude is not changed, the area would be doubled.
If the linear dimensions are doubled, the area is multiplied by (2)2 = 4 .
The area doubles if the base stays the same.
Just moving a triangle, or rotating, or even reflecting (without scaling) a shape will not change its area or its perimeter.
The area gets doubled.
If the altitude is not changed, the area would be doubled.
An angle of 65° can not be trisected using a compass and straight edge.
If the linear dimensions are doubled, the area is multiplied by (2)2 = 4 .
You can approximate the surface area by lots of triangles (base of the triangle on the base of the cone, and tip of the triangle at the tip of the cone), and analyze what happens when the triangles get narrower and narrower.
it would quadruple (become 4 times as big)
Area of Equilateral Triangle A= S2 * (Root 3)/4, where A= Area of the triangle S= Side of the triangle.
the area remains constant justin biebeeZ a gay hot lord hahahah
The area of triangle is : 24.0
If the area was 0, there would be no triangle.