The fraction becomes less negative. It remains a negative fraction but moves nearer to 0.
If a fraction's denominator is increased, the number gets smaller. If a fraction's denominator is decreased, the number gets bigger.
The value of the fraction remains unchanged
Just multiply straight through. Numerator times numerator and denominator times denominator. a/b * c/d = ac/bd ======
The fraction gets smaller.
The value of the fraction increases.
If the numerator of the fraction is increased and the denominator doesn't change, then the value of the fraction increases.
The fraction becomes less negative. It remains a negative fraction but moves nearer to 0.
The fraction gets smaller or increases, depending on whether the numerator and denominator are positive or negative.
The fraction decreases. 1/3 is smaller than 1/2.
If a fraction's denominator is increased, the number gets smaller. If a fraction's denominator is decreased, the number gets bigger.
You will get an equivalent fraction.
You get an equivalent fraction which is not in its reduced (or simplest) form.
The value of the fraction remains unchanged
It is then an improper or 'top heavy' fraction