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Q: What happens to the population size if the birth rate is lower than the death rate?
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What are the problems brought about by birth death and migration?

decrease in population, lower pension, lower capacity cost

What can you say about the people in Germany and Indonesia based on their birth and death rates?

Indonesian birth rates may be attributed to the high quantity of rice comsumed by the populace, while German birth rates are affected by beer and spirit comsumption. Death rates in both areas are the result of totalitarian regimes, including nazism, buddhism, and chauvinism.

The tendency of a population to shift from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates is called a an?

The tendency of a population to shift from high birth and death rates is called a demographic transition.

What are three things that can change a population?

Birth rate: An increase in birth rate can lead to population growth, while a decrease can lead to decline. Death rate: Higher death rates can decrease a population, while lower death rates can lead to growth. Immigration and emigration: Migration of individuals into or out of a population can impact its size and composition.

What happens to a population with a low birthrate?

A population with a low birthrate may experience a decline in population size over time. This can lead to an aging population, higher dependency ratios, and potential economic and social challenges such as workforce shortages and strains on healthcare and social security systems. Government policies may be implemented to address the demographic imbalance.

What must occur in a population for it to grow?

For a population to grow, the birth rate must exceed the death rate, and immigration must exceed emigration. This results in more individuals being added to the population than are leaving, leading to overall growth.

What assumptions can be made by the demographic transition model?

The demographic transition model assumes that populations will move from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates as countries develop economically and socially. It also assumes that this transition will lead to changes in population size, age structure, and overall population dynamics. Additionally, the model suggests that fertility rates will stabilize at a lower level as societies modernize.

How do birth and death rates change when population through the demographic transition?

In the demographic transition, birth rates initially fall due to improved healthcare, education, and increased access to contraception. As a society progresses, death rates also decline as healthcare and living conditions improve. This leads to an initial rapid population growth followed by stabilization at lower levels as birth rates continue to decrease.

Why the europe population is less than asia?

European birth rates are lower than Asia's.

Does environmental factors effect death and birth rate?

Yes, environmental factors can influence both death and birth rates. For example, access to clean water and healthcare can lower death rates, while natural disasters or pollution can increase death rates. Additionally, factors such as availability of resources and habitat destruction can impact birth rates through effects on fertility and overall health of populations.

What stage of the demographic transition is syria in right now?

Syria is in the third stage of the demographic transition, characterized by declining birth rates and death rates as the country progresses toward lower population growth rates.

Characteristics of an MEDC?

An MEDC is a "more economically developed country." Characteristics of a country labelled this include successful trade agreements, wealth, purchase of raw materials to use in production, lower death rates, and generally lower birth rates.