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The quotient is larger than the original fraction.

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Q: What happens to the quotient when you divide a fraction by a fraction?
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When you divide a numerator of a fraction by the denominator what is the quotient?

The quotient is the result when you divide a numerator of a fraction by the denominator

When you divide a fraction by a whole number greater than one how does the quotient compare to the fraction?

The quotient is less than the fraction.

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What is the answer to divide two fraction?

The quotient of the two fractions.

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How do you divide a negative fraction by a negative fraction?

-- Ignore the signs. -- Divide the first fraction by the second fraction, then decide whether the answer is positive or negative. -- If both numbers in a division have the same sign, then the quotient is positive. So the quotient is positive, and you're done.

When you divide whole number by a fraction with a numerator of 1 how do you find the quotient?

Invert the fraction and multiply.

When you divide a whole number by a fraction less than one will the quotient be greater than or less than the whole number?

When you divide a number by a fraction between zero and one, the quotient will be greater than that number.

How will you change fraction to percent?

-- Divide the numerator by the denominator. -- Multiply the quotient by 100 .

What happens to a fraction when you divide it?

How a fraction changes when you divide it depends on what you divide it by.

When you divide a unit fraction by a whole number will the quotient be greater than or less than the unit fraction?

The quotient will be less. 1/2 ÷ 2 = 1/4

When you divide by a fraction why does the quotient get larger?

When you divide by a fraction, you are multiplying by it's reciprocal or opposite. So if you are dividing by 1/2, it is the same thing as multiplying by 2/1.