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Q: What happens to the sunlight when it hits the curved surface of the earth?
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What happens to the sunlight that hits the surface of the Earth?

Sunlight that hits the Earth's surface is absorbed by the Earth. It is then reflected back.

What is the term that describes the curved surface of the earth transferred to a flat surface?

nelcomous (its a term in greek which is a term described the curved surface of the earth transferred to a flat surface.) Nelcomous

Would a shadow cast on Earth be straight or curved?

Well, if you had a shadow cast on earth, it would appear curved because the of the Earth's surface is curved

Moving information from a curved surface to a flat surface causes?

When information is moved from a curved surface( like the Earth) to a flat surface ( like a map), distortion occurs.

What happens to sunlight hits earth surface?

It gets absorbed by the surface, reflected, and even radiated back as infrared rays where it is absorbed by the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

What is a flat representation of earth's curved surface called?

A map.

How many does a curved surface does a square pyramid have?

One surface, if one surface is flush with the curvature of the earth's surface.

What is the percentage of sunlight reflected by the earth's surface?

On average the earth reflects about 30% of the incident sunlight.

How does the angle of incidence increase the temperature of earth?

The angle of incidence refers to the angle at which sunlight hits the Earth's surface. When sunlight hits the Earth's surface at a higher angle of incidence (more direct sunlight), the energy from the sunlight is more concentrated, leading to increased heating of the surface. This can result in higher temperatures on Earth.

Why do surface winds blow on a curved path?

Because the Earth rotates.

How does the angle of the sunlight stikes earth's surface?

The angle at which sunlight strikes Earth's surface varies depending on the time of day and the location on Earth. When the Sun is directly overhead, the sunlight strikes the surface at a 90-degree angle, which maximizes the intensity of the sunlight. As the Sun moves lower in the sky, the angle of sunlight decreases, leading to greater dispersion of sunlight and lower intensity.

What happens when a curved surface is transferred to a flat map?

When a curved surface, such as the Earth's surface, is transferred to a flat map, distortion occurs. This distortion can affect the shape, size, distance, and direction of features on the map, known as map projection. Different map projections are used to minimize these distortions for specific purposes.