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Q: What happens when a 6'10'' bank robber and a 3'9'' horse thief escaped from prison?
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Can a horse have 3 legs?

yes a horse can get a leg amputated but most people wouldn't do that to a horse bc they will suffer a lot.

How many mph does a horse travel?

The average gallop of a horse is 45 mph.

What is the perimeter of a horse pen?

A horse pen has to be at least 3 -4 yards long, in order to let the horse exercise. DO NOT CUT THE GRASS IN THE PEN!

How long would it take a horse to travel 20 miles?

This would depend on how fast the horse is going. Without the speed there is no answer. The average speed of the average horse is about 12 mph.

How long will it take a horse to travel 563 miles?

It depends how fast the horse is travelling ! Assuming the horse can travel at a constant speed of 20 mph, it would take 28.15 hours without resting.No horse can maintain a speed of 20 mph for that length of time with a rider on it's back. This would kill the horse. On average you can travel around 30 miles in a day and not overwork the horse. But if you have a very good horse and it is not too hot, you could travel up to 50 miles with some rest stops. So you are looking at at around 12 days to travel 563 miles.It depends how fast the horse is travelling ! Assuming the horse can travel at a constant speed of 20 mph, it would take 28.15 hours without resting.No horse can maintain a speed of 20 mph for that length of time with a rider on it's back. This would kill the horse. On average you can travel around 30 miles in a day and not overwork the horse. But if you have a very good horse and it is not too hot, you could travel up to 50 miles with some rest stops. So you are looking at at around 12 days to travel 563 miles.It depends how fast the horse is travelling ! Assuming the horse can travel at a constant speed of 20 mph, it would take 28.15 hours without resting.No horse can maintain a speed of 20 mph for that length of time with a rider on it's back. This would kill the horse. On average you can travel around 30 miles in a day and not overwork the horse. But if you have a very good horse and it is not too hot, you could travel up to 50 miles with some rest stops. So you are looking at at around 12 days to travel 563 miles.It depends how fast the horse is travelling ! Assuming the horse can travel at a constant speed of 20 mph, it would take 28.15 hours without resting.No horse can maintain a speed of 20 mph for that length of time with a rider on it's back. This would kill the horse. On average you can travel around 30 miles in a day and not overwork the horse. But if you have a very good horse and it is not too hot, you could travel up to 50 miles with some rest stops. So you are looking at at around 12 days to travel 563 miles.

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What happened when a bank robber horse thief escaped from prison riddle?

The police

What happened when a 6'10 bank robber and a 3'9 horse thief escaped from prison?

The police

What happens when a 6'10' bank robber and a 3'9' horse thief escaped from prison?

They are both considered fugitives once they escape from prison, and law enforcement will work to track them down and bring them back into custody. Their respective crimes will likely lead to separate investigations and pursuit efforts by authorities. The size difference between the two individuals does not impact the severity of their crimes or the consequences of their escape.

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What happens to a horse that is not blanketed when it is cold?

If a horse is not blanketed when it is cold, it may feel uncomfortable and shiver to maintain body heat. In severe cases, it may experience weight loss, weakened immune system, and be more prone to illnesses such as pneumonia. It is essential to provide adequate shelter and nutrition to keep a horse healthy in cold weather.

What animal escaped from the man from the snowy river?

a wild horse - called "brumby" in Australian slang ____ The colt (young horse) from "Old Regret"

How do you use the word sprinted?

She sprinted for the finish line. The horse sprinted over the gate and escaped.

What happens if a horse on Howrse has 100 years?

If a horse reach 100 years - nothing happens.

What happens if your riding a horse and get biten?

if you're on the will you be biten..

What happens when you retire a horse on horse isle 2?


What happens to a horse if water is not available?

The horse suffers from dehydration and then dies.

Is it true In Alberta if you are released from prison it is required that you are given a handgun with bullets and a horse so you can ride out of town?

No it is not true that if you are released from an Alberta prison that they give you a gun and horse to ride out of town. This may have been true in the past but it no longer is if it were.