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Q: What happens when is a negative notation?
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What is 6.2x10 to the negative fifth power in standard notation?

6.2x10 to the negative 5th power in standard notation = 0.000062

How do you write negative 9043000 in scientific notation?

negative 9043000 in scientific notation is -9.043 x 10^6

Can scientific notation be a negative?

Yes, scientific notation can be negative. For example -345 would be -3.45 x 102.

What is the decimal notation for negative 6 over 11?

The decimal notation for negative 6 over 11 is -0.5454

7.810 to the negative 2 power in standard notation?

7.810 to the negative 2 power in standard notation is written as 0.07810

Can a negative number be expressed in scientific notation?

Yes, a negative number can be expressed in scientific notation. In scientific notation, a negative number is indicated by the negative sign (-) placed before the first significant digit. The number is then written in the form of a decimal number between 1 and 10, multiplied by a power of 10. For example, -3.2 x 10^-5 is a negative number expressed in scientific notation.

What is 10 to the negative 3rd in standard notation?

10-3 in standard notation is 0.001

How can you express negative numbers in scientific notation?

Write the mantissa as a negative number.

1.835 x 10 to the negative 4th power standard notation?

1.835 x 10 to the negative 4th power in standard notation is 0.0001835

What is 7.9 times 10 to the negative 6 power in standard notation?

7.9 times 10 to the negative 6 power in standard notation = 0.0000079

How do you subtract two negative scientific notation numbers and come out with a negative scientific notation number?

if the smaller negative sci notation # being subtracted from the larger example: (-1.0x10^0) - (-2.0x10^0) is the same as -1-(-2)= -1 + 2 = 1

What is two to the negative third power in standard notation?

2-3 in standard notation is 0.125