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Q: What happens when the arc is length is too short?
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How does arc length affect a weld?

Too long an arc length allows the arc to wander creating a poorly shaped weld. The slag is usually too thin and can allow Oxygen in the air to attack the molten puddle which causes Porosity in the weld. Too short an arc length buries the slag and creates less heat which traps the slag and impurities. Keep in mind that electrode coatings help determine the correct arc length.

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If you cut thick curly hair to a 'boy-short' length will it not curl?

No it will not curl because it is too short.

What is Angular velocity equal too?

Angular velocity is equal to the change in theta / change in time theta equals the arc length/ radius

What are the factors affecting welding operation?

The factors are: Travel speed,Current too high,Arc length,Incorrect amperage setting and Electrode size.

Is short hair or long hair better for women?

Men like it long. shoulder length, as it isn't too short to look too weird and it isn't too long to have a hassle brushing it.

Why spatters come in welding?

Spatter can be caused by #1 Amperage setting too high, #2 too long an arc length, #3 thin coated electrodes, #4 Using AC current.

What happens in a supermarket if you get to the counter and are too short?

if you mean short of money, you will have to put some items back, if you mean short in stature and cannot reach the counter, someone who is taller will help you.

What length constitutes a short span bridge?

We may suggest 20ft (6m) to be the criteria but i insist this is practically too short. Bridge span of 20meters or less may be a good standpoint reference of "short span".

Best blade length for guys hair?

A popular blade length that many of my male clients like is the 3 3/4 blade. It's not too short, not too long, grows in nicely, gives a clean cut look, and won't grow back too quickly.

What happens if you eat too much ice?

If you eat too much ice teeth will be tiny. My neighbor does it all the time and his teeth are about the size of a piece of rice, length wise.

Is 7 1 2 inches a good size?

That would be an excellent length for a pencil, but about an inch and a half too short to be standard paper.