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The product is positive.

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Q: What happens when you multiply a negi tive and a negitve?
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Related questions

Is tive a suffix?

No, tive is not a word.

Words that end in tive?

Some words that end with 'tive' are:Active,addictiveadditiveadjectiveaffirmativeargumentativeassertiveattentiveattractive,automotivecaptivecognitivecomparativecompetitiveconductiveconsecutiveconservativecontraceptivecorrectivecreativedefectivedefinitivederivativedetectivedisruptivedistinctiveelectiveemotiveexecutiveexhaustiveexploitativefigurativeformativefixativeformativefugitiveimperativeinitiativeindicativeinfinitiveinformativeinhibitiveinitiativeintrospectiveintuitivelaxativelocomotivelucrativemotivenarrativenativenegativeobjectiveobstructiveoperativeperceptiveperspectiveplaintivepositivepreventiveprimitiveproductivepunitiveradioactivereceptivereflectiverefractiverepetitiverepresentativerelativeremunerativerepetitiverestorativeretentivesecretiveseductiveselectivesubjectivesuperlativesupportivetransitivevindictivevotive

Can a A- tive blood group donate her lungs to the patient having AB-tive blood groip?

lungs can not be donated.

Why use the -tive voltage in vibration probes instead of plus tive voltage in Bentley Nevada system?

potential difference

What part of speech is tive?

"Tive" is not a standalone word. It is likely a suffix that is added to the end of certain words to indicate an adjective or a noun (e.g., active, sensitive).

What does -tive mean?

strong and positive

The addi tive inverse of 3 is?


How do you syllable appositive?


How do you divide attentive into a syllables?


What is the correct way to divide regular into syllables?

There are five syllables in the word representative : rep/re/sent/a/tive

How many syllables are in festive?

two, fes-tive

What is the prefix of attractive?

there is no prefix but the suffix is -tive