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It makes the number smaller.

For Example: 20 x .5 = 10

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Q: What happens when you multiply a positive number by a positive number less than one?
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What happens when you multiply a positive number by a positive number less then one?

It decreases.

What happens when you multiply a positive number less than 1?

The number is still positive, but the range is positive infinity.

What happens to a number when you multiply it by a fraction?

Fraction refers to the amount to the right of the decimal point (amounts of less than 1), so if you multiply any (positive) number by a fraction its value will be reduced.

Is multiply a greater number or part?

It depends. If you start with a positive number, then multiply by a positive greater than one and the answer is greater; multiply by 1 and the answer is the same; multiply by a number between 0 and 1 and the answer is smaller; multiply by 0 and the answer is 0; multiply by a number less than 0 and the answer is negative.

Does multiplication by a positive number makes positive numbers larger?

Not necessarily. For example, if you multiply one million by 0.001 (which is a positive number), you get a thousand, which is less than a million.

What happens to the whole number when you multiply it by a fraction less than one?

Nothing happens to the whole number. But the product is less than the whole number. The product might be another whole number, and it might have a fractional part.

What happens when you multiply a number like 10 with a number bigger than 1?

Multiply by a number greater than 1 will increase the value. Multiplying by less than one will decrease the number.

Why does mulitplying 37.4 times 0.01 give a product that is less than 37.4?

That's because 0.01 is less than one.If you multiply a number by 1, you get the same number back. If you multiply a positive number by a number that is less than one, you get back a number that is less than your original number. Similarly, if you multiply a positive number with something that is more than one, you get a result that is more than your original number.

Is a positive number less or more?

a positive number is more, not less.

Is a negative greater or less than a positive number?

A negative number is less than a positive number. Think about it this way: a negative number is less than 0. A positive number is greater than 0. Therefore, a negative number must be less than a positive number.

Is it true that when you multiply a number by another number less than 1 you get a product greater than the first number?

No, this statement is not true. When you multiply a number by another number less than 1, the product will be smaller than the first number. For example, multiplying 5 by 0.5 gives a product of 2.5, which is smaller than 5.

When adding a positive number and a negative numbers the sum going to be greater than or less than the positive number?

The sum is less than the positive number. Example: 16 + -3= 13. As you can see 13 is less than 16 so the sum is less than the positive number.