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The answer is less than one.

Eg. 1/2 X 1/4 = 1/ 8 < 1

e.g -1 X 4 = -4 < 1

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Q: What happens when you multiply two numbers less than one?
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If you multiply by 1 they stay the same. If you multiply by more than 1 they increase. Fractions less than 1 are less than unity so the products decrease because you are only taking a fraction of the number.

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The number .5 means half. So, if you take half of something, that is less than the entire thing, right? And half of half is a quarter. Multiplication only makes numbers larger when you multiply numbers that are greater than one. If you multiply by one the number doesn't change. If you multiply by less than one, you make the number smaller.

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Yes, but you need two positive numbers less than one. 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25 for instance. (half of a half is a quarter)

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Multiply by a number greater than 1 will increase the value. Multiplying by less than one will decrease the number.

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It is a process of proportionally increasing a set of numbers.

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The number is still positive, but the range is positive infinity.

What happens to the whole number when you multiply it by a fraction less than one?

Nothing happens to the whole number. But the product is less than the whole number. The product might be another whole number, and it might have a fractional part.

What prime numbers are even and less than 100?

There is only one prime number which is even - that is 2 - and it also happens to be less than 100. All other prime numbers are odd.

Is it true that when you multiply two natural numbers the product is never less than either of the two numbers?

Yes. Natural numbers are counting numbers, equal to or greater than 0. The only ways a product can be less than its multiplicands is when multiplying fractions by fractions or multiplying a positive number by a negative number.

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Numbers less than zero are "negative numbers".

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When dividing by negative numbers or dividing by fractions.

What is composite factors mean?

its means the numbers that you multiply with to get a product has more than numbers to multiply THAT with than just that number and 1.