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It is moved across the plane. Its size or orientation are not changed.

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Q: What happens when you perform a translation of a figure?
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What is a translation of a figure?

A translation of a figure is when a figure changes it's position, And can be in the direction of up, down, left, right, and maybe diagonal.

Translation from the solid figure to the dashed figure?


What figure is formed by a translation of another figure?

The same figure. A translation simply moves the figure somewhere else, without changing its shape or size.

Does golgi bodies perform translation?

No. The translation of RNA occurs within the ribosomes only.

What is a transformation that slides a figure horizontally and vertically called?

A transformation that slides a figure horizontally is called a translation. A transformation that slides a figure vertically is also called a translation.

What is a figure that is not changed by a horizontal reflection or a translation?

No figure is changed by a translation so the last part of the question is irrelevant. Any figure with a horizontal line of symmetry will not be changed by a horizontal reflection.

What is the English translation of the Samoan word 'fasaga'?

figure as in number or figure something out.

A way to move a plane figure is a?


What is a transformation that slides a figure called?

A translation.

What is the difference between rules of translation and rules of reflection in math?

the difference is that in translation you slide the figure and in reflection you reflect the figure across the reflection line :)

What effect does a translation have on a figure?

A translation will slide a figure either horizontally, vertically, or both, without changing its orientation or shape. The position of every point on the figure is shifted by the same amount and in the same direction.

What is the Tagalog of figure of speech?

The Tagalog term for "figure of speech" is "larawang-diwa."