Once the infinity blade has been placed in the slot a hand scanner will appear. Your character will scan his hand automatically. After that three small doors will open. The largest one will stay closed.
anything can be put into it so... (-infinity,infinity)
X is a variable which can be replaced with virtually anything ranging from -infinity to +infinity, imaginary numbers, other variables and even whole other functions.
It either floats or sinks...put the marbles in water to test them!
Yes, they can be put into a one-to-one correspondence. The size of both sets is what's called a "countable infinity".
you become a moron ^Lol^
The Skylander will teleport to Disneyland and destroy it for good.
To infinity and beyond.
You take your heap of junk to the scrappies and weigh it in as its worthless!
Pull the knob out. There is a small slot in the side of the knob. Put a small flat blade screwdriver in the slot and pull the knob out. The screwdriver will release a clip and the knob will come off.
If you mean keeping it from the tutorial, defeat Saydhi and tap on the place where to you have to put the sword. If you reset the rebirths, then you definitely have a weaker sword, so equip that RIGHT AFTER you tap the sword altar. Unpause, then exit the game immediately and delete Infinity Blade 2 from multitasking. Launch the game again, and you will find yourself positioned before you place the sword. Go to the last rebirth (in settings) and you will find yourself in the area you start off in after Saydhi's area. You now have the full set of equipment with you on your journey.
it is slot
if for Nintendo ds then insert the action replay then insert the game in the slot on top with the sticker facing you
Slot 1 on a DS is the slot that you put DS game cards into. Slot 2 is the slot for Game boy advance game paks.
a floppy disk slot is what you put the floppy disk in on a CPU
That probably happens because you didn't put it in correctly or you need to blow the back to get any dust out .Because if dust clogges it it wont read the data and it will say that there is no game inserted in the game slot .hope this helped!
use an sp or advanced put the ar in the slot then put the game in the slot on the ar