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Q: What happens when your 16 and your going out with someone younger than 16?
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How can you date someone younger than you but older than you?

find someone that is younger but more mature

What does it mean if you like someone younger than you?

It could mean that you're going through a midlife crisis and desire the sexual energy and body of a younger female.

Chris Brown would you date someone who is 5 years younger than you?

Im sure he might date someone younger than him but not two younger than him maybe about 2 or 3 years younger.

Would Princeton date someone younger than him?

Yes, he will i just want to know if he will date someone 5 years younger than him

Does one direction care if they date someone younger than them?

It depends how much younger.

Which person is better to marry someone older than you or some one younger than you?

If your a girl someone older duh!! a boy, someone younger or its just really weird........ I mean realy :D

Is it illegal to marry someone younger than you in Ohio?

Um.. I don't know anything about Ohio law, but logically one of you has to be younger than the other. Therefore I don't see how it could be illegal to marry someone younger.

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No, Tom would not date someone 6 years younger than him. He is not dating anyone at present in any case.

Has Dylan ever dated someone younger that himself?

yes and no. he's dated someone younger than him once but now he dates girls 5 years older than he is. it's what i heard.

Will nick date someone who is 6 years younger than him?


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