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Q: What happens you have two numbers in the middle in a a math problem?
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How do you get the median in a math problem?

U put the numbers in order from least to greatest and the get the middle number of that set.

What does median in a math problem?

the number( or numbers) in the middle of a list of numbers in order of highest to lowest. eg. the median in the following list is 7 1,2,3,7,8,9,9

What if you have 2 medians in a math problem?

If you have 2 middle numbers (medians) (this only occurs when the set of numbers that you have is even), you add them together and divide by 2. This means that you are just finding the middle between the two numbers. E.g. if the problem is: find the median of this set of numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6. The median would be 3.5

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The word increased in a math problem means you are adding to terms or numbers.

Numbers close to the numbers in the problem that can allow you to do math mentally?

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the mean (in math) is the average of all the numbers in the problem

What is the answer to a math problem called when numbers are subtracted?

This is known as the "Difference".

What do median stand for in math?

The number with the middle value in the group of numbers you have.

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The symbol "*" means multiply.

What the median in math?

Write the numbers of a set in ascending order. If there is an odd number of numbers, the median is the one in the middle. If there is an even number of numbers, the median is the average of the middle two.

What is the medium in math?

Arrange the numbers from smallest to largest and find the middle number.

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numbers,problem solving,formulas