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A cube has six faces, which are arranged in three sets of two parallel faces.

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Q: What has 3 parallel faces?
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How many parallel faces does a rectangular prism have?

A rectangular prism has six faces, and each pair of opposite faces is parallel to each other. Therefore, a rectangular prism has three pairs of parallel faces.

How many pais of parallel faces does a cubiod have?

A cuboid has 3 pairs of parallel faces.

How many parallel faces does a cube have?

there are three parallel faces in a cube

What are pairs parallel faces?

In a polyhedron - a 3-dimensional object - a pair of parallel faces are two faces which lie in planes that are parallel to each other.Parallel faces need not be congruent. For example, consider a pyramid whose top is sliced off by a plane parallel to it base. The flat top and the base will be parallel faces but will not be congruent.

Does a triangular prism have 3 pairs of parallel faces?

No. it could only have one pair of parallel faces. The cross section is triangular.

How many pairs of parallel faces does a cuboid have?

A cuboid has 6 faces, and each face has a pair of parallel faces. So, a cuboid has 3 pairs of parallel faces. Mathematically speaking, that's the tea, honey.

How many parallel faces does a cuboid have?

3 pairs

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How many parallel faces does Cuboid have?

3 pairs

What figure has 6 facesall of the faces are congruent with 3 pair of faces that are parallel?

A cube.

How many parallel edges and faces does a octahedron have?

An octahedron is a closed 3-d shape with 8 polygonal faces. There are 257 topologically different convex octahedra. The number of parallel edges or faces will depend on the particular octahedron. A heptagon-based pyramid, for example, has no parallel edges nor parallel faces.

Are faces of an octahedron parallele?

An octahedron is a closed 3-d shape with 8 polygonal faces. There are 257 topologically different convex octahedra. In most cases there will be no parallel faces but there can be four pairs of parallel faces.