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Q: What has changed since 1791 to reduce the communication time from Sydney to London and back from 16 months to 10 days?
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How has communication changed since 1950?

Commmunications have changed from having to go on boat all the way to another place wich could've taken 8 months to emails, phones, MSN Messenger, fax and newspaper

What was the battle where Germany bombed London for months?

The London Blitz

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3 months

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There are two main seasons in London winter which lasts longer at least eight months in a year and four months are of spring.

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They came from England by sailing ship around the Cape of Good Hope in a voyage lasting up to eight months.

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Both, Like any other form of communication. However, all analog forms of communication/transmission will end in February of 2009. All manufactures have already changed to the digital format, therefore in a couple of months any older system will be obsolete.

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It just changed to 6 months

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less than 2 months.

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July 27

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The warmest and sunniest months of the year in London are usually July and August.

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June, July and August.