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With no acute or obtuse angles, the shape must only have right angles. For a quadrilateral, that limits it to a square or rectangle. Because each side has a different length than the one next to it, it has to be a rectangle.

(Or, it could be a shape with any amount of sides above 4, as long as the angles are all right angles)

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Q: What has consecutative sides a different length and no acute angles or obtuse angles?
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What shape has consecutive sides of different length and no acute angles or obtuse angles?

I only know it's not a polygon

What geometric figure has consecutive sides a different length with no acute angles or obtuse angles?

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How are acute angles different from obtuse angles?


Can a quadrilateral contain 3 obtuse angles?

quadrilateral means having all sides the same length. when you make a shape with 3 obtuse angles and with the same length on the sides, only 3 of them will have the same length which is the sides of the 3 obtuse angles. then the last side will be too long. obviously it is no more quadrilateral.

Is a triangle obtuse scalene or triangle?

The word 'Triangle' is a collective noun for different shaped triangles. They are ;- Equilateral(Acute) ; all sides are the same length , and all angles are 60 degrees. Isosceles (Can be Obtuse) ; two sides are the same length and two angles are equal. Right-angles (only Acute) ; one of the angles is a right angle(90 degrees) Scalene ; All sides are different length and all angles are different values. May be either acute of obtuse. For ALL triangles, on a plane surface, the sum of the interior angles is ALWAYS 180 degrees. NB For triangles drawn on a 3-dimensional surface, ( a sphere ; the Earth) the angles may add to 360 degrees.

How do you describe an obtuse triangle angles?

An obtuse triangle has 1 obtuse angle and 2 different acute angles whereas the 3 angles add up to 180 degrees.

You have 4 side the same length 2 acute angles and 2 obtuse angles?


What shape has 4 sides the same length 2 acute angles and 2 obtuse angles?

A rhombus.

What shape has all sides equal length 2 obtuse angles and 2 acute angles?

a rhombus

How many obtuse angles are there in a trapezoid?

well a trapezoid is a square (has four sides) in all different angles: there are 2 obtuse angles and 2 acute angles Hope it helps

Are the angles of a pentagon all the same?

No there are different angle such as right angles, obtuse angles, and acute angles.

What is an obtuse triangle in math?

An obtuse triangle has 1 obtuse angle and 2 different acute angles with all 3 angles adding up to 180 degrees.