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Q: What has fifty heads but cannot think?
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What has fifty heads and fifty tails?

fifty cats or fifty coins...

What Has Fifty heads and No Tails?

Fifty British postage stamps.

Are any US coins more likely to land on heads or tails?

No there is a fifty fifty chance of getting heads or tails

What is the probability of heads commming up when a coin is flipped?

Fifty percent (50%)

What does you have a fifty fity mean?

if u have a fifty/fifty chance of something happening, it means you can get 1 of 2 results, like flipping a coin for example, only two possibilities can happen, either heads or tails, 50% chance of gettng heads, 50% chance of getting tails....hope this helps. =)

Fifty-Three is to fifty-Two as six is to?

I think five

Can you change the heads off a 1989 350 and put them on a 1979 350?

no you cannot they are not interchangeable the 89 heads are fuel injected heads and the 79 are carb heads and will not interchange

What is the probability in percent that a single coin toss will result in heads and tails?

The probability is 0%. The result will be heads or it will be tails but it cannot be heads and tails.

Fifty-eight divided by zero?

You cannot divide by 0.

How does the hundred handed ones look like?

Each had a hundred hands and fifty heads, for the wielding of the destructive power of storm.

Where is to put the correct apostrophe s in the sentence the dinosaurs heads?

the dinosaurs' heads there i think.

If you flip a a coin 20 times what is the probability that the coin will land on heads?

There is a fifty percent chance of the coin landing on "heads" each time it is flipped.However, flipping a coin 20 times virtually guarantees that it will land on "heads" at least once in that twenty times. (99.9999046325684 percent chance)You can see this by considering two coin flips. Here are the possibilities:Heads, heads.Heads, tails.Tails, tails.Tails, heads.You will note in the tossing of the coin twice that while each flip is fifty/fifty, that for the two flip series, there are three ways that it has heads come up at least once, and only one way in which heads does not come up.In other words, while it is a fifty percent chance for heads each time, it is a seventy five percent chance of seeing it be heads once if you are flipping twice.If you wish to know the odds of it not being heads in a twenty time flip, you would multiply .5 times .5 times .5...twenty times total. Or .5 to the twentieth power.That works out to a 99.9999046325684 percent chance of it coming up heads at least once in the twenty times of it being flipped.