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Home plate or the ends of a properly built house.

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Q: What has five sides and two right angles?
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What polygon has two right angles and five sides?

An irregular pentagon is a polygon that has five sides and two right angles. A regular polygon on the other hand does not have right angles.

What has five sides with two right angles?


Shape that is a polygon has five sides and two right angles?

a pentagon

What does a polygon look like with five sides and two right angles?

a house

What polygon have five sides and two right angles?

A pentagon. an irregular pentagon?

What has No congruent sides but two right angles?

A right trapezoid can have no congruent sides and two right angles.

What shape have two right angles and two parallel sides?

A rectangle has two right angles and parcel sides

A shape with two pairs of perpindicular lines two right angles and five sides?

Its Impossible. For there to be a shape where all five lines meet perfectly and there to be two pairs of perpendicular sides, there must three right angles. Alternitavely, you could have 1 pair of perpendicular lines and two rights angles, but certainly not both.

What is a shape that has two equal sides and four right angles?

A rectangle has two sets of two equal sides and four right angles.

What is a four-sided polygon with two right angles and two parallel sides?

A right trapezoid is a four-sided polygon with two right angles and two parallel sides.

Shape that has 2 right angles and 4 sides?

its impossible to have two right angles in a four sided figure without having the other two sides be right angles too

What is a quadrangle with 2 sides parallel and all angles are right angles?

That's a rectangle (possibly a square). If two sides are parallel, and all angles are right angles, then the other two sides must be parallel also.