Hecto means 100, kilo means 1000.Hecto means 100, kilo means 1000.Hecto means 100, kilo means 1000.Hecto means 100, kilo means 1000.
There are 10 hecto meters in 1 kilometer because if you follow Kilo Hecto Deca Unit Deci Centi Milli you have to go back from kilo to hecto 1 space and add a zero.
Decimeter. From largest to smallest: kilo hecto deca UNIT deci centi milli
kilo hecto deka basic unit deci centi milli
KHDBDCM Kilo, Hecto, Deca, Base, Deci, Centi, Milli 2564 grams
Hecto means 100, kilo means 1000.Hecto means 100, kilo means 1000.Hecto means 100, kilo means 1000.Hecto means 100, kilo means 1000.
2,5 hectoliters (hl). Kilo means x1000, hecto means x100.2,5 hectoliters (hl). Kilo means x1000, hecto means x100.2,5 hectoliters (hl). Kilo means x1000, hecto means x100.2,5 hectoliters (hl). Kilo means x1000, hecto means x100.
Kilo has a greater value than milli. Kilo represents 1000 units, while milli represents 1/1000 of a unit.
There are 10 hecto meters in 1 kilometer because if you follow Kilo Hecto Deca Unit Deci Centi Milli you have to go back from kilo to hecto 1 space and add a zero.
Hecto is a value in the Metric System. Hecto is the value 100, such as a hectometer equaling 100 meters.
kilo = 1000, hecto = 100.
It is kilo, not killo. milli = 1/1000 and kilo = 1000 so a kilo represents a much bigger amount.
The prefix for 100 is hecto, sometimes used as "hect-" as part of a unit (e.g. hectare).
mili, deci, centi, hecto, kilo, deka
they are french and originally derived from greek
Kilo Hecto Deka Meter Deci Centi Milli 3.5cm = 0.000035 km
No, Kilometer is. Kilo, Hecto, Deci, Base(meter, liter), Deca, Centi, Milli