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Q: What has more faces than an octahedron but fewer faces than an icosahedron?
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What is a polyhedron with equilateral triangle faces?

It_is_a_triangular_prism.">It_is_a_triangular_prism.">It is a triangular prism.* * * * *While a triangular prism can have equilateral triangle faces, it has more faces that are quadrilateral (or rectangular).A polyhedron with only equilateral triangular faces could be a tetrahedron, an octahedron in the form of a square based dipyramid, or an icosahedron.

How many faces does a polyhydra triangle have?

There are several triangular polyhedra. The simplest is a tetrahedron with 4 faces, but you can have a triangular dipyramid (two tetrahedra stuck together along one face) which has 6 faces. Then there is the icosahedron with 20 faces. The tetrahedron and icosahedron are Platonic solids, but there are many more.

What polyhedron has all equilateral triangles as faces?

look at ask or google to find an answer * * * * * A polyhedron with equilateral triangular faces is called a deltahedron. There are infinitely many of them but only 8 convex ones. The following three are regular: tetrahedron, octahedron and icosahedron. There are 5 more convex polyhedra which are convex but not regular (because they have differing number of faces meeting at their vertices) These are Johnson deltahedra (see link).

What shape has more than 12 faces?

There are several but there is one that comes to mind that has 20 congruent triangular faces called an icosahedron.

How many sides faces edges and vertexes does a octahedron have?

An octahedron is an eight sided polyhedron. It has eight sides or faces, 12 edges, and six vertexes. Please see the Related Link below for more information and a picture.

Related questions

Which polyhedron has more faces than an octahedron but fewer faces than an icosahedron?

A dodecahedron

Which polyhedron has more faces thean an octahedron but less faces than an icosahedron?

A nonagon (9 sides) for example.

Which polyhedron has more faces than a hexahedron but fewer faces than an dodecahedron?


Which polyhedron has more faces than a tetrahedron but fewer faces than an octahedron?


How many tall isosceles are needed to build one great Icosahedron?

An icosahedron is a shape with 20 triangular faces - not more nor fewer. It can, therefore, have only 20 tall isosceles triangular faces.

How many short isosceles are needed to build one great Icosahedron?

An icosahedron is a shape with 20 triangular faces - not more nor fewer. It can, therefore, have only 20 short isosceles triangular faces.

What is a polyhedron with equilateral triangle faces?

It_is_a_triangular_prism.">It_is_a_triangular_prism.">It is a triangular prism.* * * * *While a triangular prism can have equilateral triangle faces, it has more faces that are quadrilateral (or rectangular).A polyhedron with only equilateral triangular faces could be a tetrahedron, an octahedron in the form of a square based dipyramid, or an icosahedron.

What polyhedron has a base of a triangle?

A tetrahedron, a triangle based pyramid, an octahedron, an icosahedron plus many more.

What do the platonic solids look like?

The Platonic solids in modern Euclidean geometry are five regular polyhedra. These are three-dimensional objects that are bounded by regular polygonal faces. They are: Tetrahedron (or triangular pyramid): 4 triangular faces; Hexahedron (cube): 6 square faces; Octahedron: 8 triangular faces; Dodecahedron: 12 pentagonal faces; Icosahedron: 20 triangular faces. See link for more.

You have 5 equal shapes what are you?

If this is a trick question, the answer could be: (a) a collector of shapes. (b) a cube (hexahedraon), octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron since all of them have five equal shapes. They have more, but the question does not preclude more. There is no regular solid (Platonic solid) with 5 equal faces.

Which 3 dimensional figure has faces that are always congruent and the same shape?

There are a few families of polyhedra with identical faces. There are none whose faces have 6 or more sides. There is no special name for polyhedra whose faces are pentagons or pentagrams. A dodecahedron is an example. If coplanar faces are disallowed, the only polyhedron with quadrilateral faces are the cube and rhombohedron. There are infinitely many polyhedra with equilateral triangular faces: the tetrahedron, octahedron and icosahedron are examples.

Which polyhedrons has more faces but less vertices?

An octahedron, for example. 8 faces, 6 vertices.