

What has more hands than feet?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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14y ago

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A clock: 2 or 3 hands, 0 feet.

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Q: What has more hands than feet?
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What large mammal has more hands than feet?

the answer is horse, because horses are measured in hands not feet ~Furfur

Are there more germs on hands than on feet?

yes, because hands get in touch with water taps in toilets and doorknobs in general.

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Bones of the body?

The adult human has 206 bones. More than half are in the hands and feet.

Are there more bones in your feet than anywhere?

No the hands have the most bones a total of 26 in each.

Are your feet more sensitive then your hands?

In general, hands tend to be more sensitive than feet. This is because the hands have a higher density of nerve endings, allowing for more precise sensing of touch, pressure, and texture. Feet, on the other hand, are designed to support body weight and withstand pressure, leading to them being less sensitive compared to hands.

What do you think the metaphor My head is hands and feet mean?

thinking is more important than physical activity

Why can you not put a transdermal medication patch on the palm of hands or feet?

Transdermal patches are not typically recommended for use on the palms or soles because the skin in these areas is thicker and may not effectively absorb the medication. Additionally, movement and sweating in these areas can affect the adhesion of the patch, leading to inconsistent drug delivery. It is best to apply transdermal patches to areas with thinner skin, such as the upper arm, back, or abdomen.

Both hands and feet have metatarsals and phalanges but they are shaped differently how does this benefits human-?

The fact that our feet are now shaped differently than our hands is beneficial due to the fact that we evolved to walk upright. Our feet now support our weight far better than if they were still shaped like hands as our weight is more evenly distributed for bipedal motion.

What large mammal has more hands then feet?


Where in your body are the two places you can find most of your bones?

Your hands and feet contain more bones than anywhere else in your body.

Why does your toes on your feet grow shorter than your hands?

Becuase as original Apes from millions of years ago we were designed to use our feet and hands to do everything but as we evolved our hands became the organs we used and our feet were used to move around, this means that our toes aren't that important and so for millions of years we havent used our feet which has caused them to become more of a tool to walk on not to do what hands do. Since we haven't used our feet in millions of years they have grown to be shorter.