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1 kg = 1000 g so a 1200 gram box of PC has a greater mass. Simple!

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Q: What has more mass a 1200 gram box of paper clips or a 1 kg box of paper clips?
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Related questions

What is the mass of 2 paper clips?

The mass of 2 paper clips is approximately 1 gram.

What would the mass of two paper clips approximately equal?

The mass of two paper clips is approximately 1 gram.

What is the best estimate of the mass 1000 paper clips?

1 paper clip = approx 1 gram so 1000 clips = 1 kg.

What does the mass of one gram resemble?

Not sure exactly what you're looking for. There are about 28 grams in 1 ounce. A nickel has a mass of about 5 grams. I think the small size paper clips are about 1 gram in mass.

Does a paper clip have a mass of about a gram?

Yes, I think a paper clip has mass of about a gram.

Would you use kilograms or grams to describe the mass of 10 paper clips?

paper clips do not weigh much, perhaps a gram each, so 10 weigh about 10 grams, so you would use grams, not kilograms, since 1 kg = 1000 grams

What has the same mass as a kilogram?

1000 paper clips!

What would you use to measure the mass of ten paper clips?

You could use a digital scale or a balance to measure the mass of ten paper clips in grams. Be sure to place the paper clips carefully on the scale without any extra weight and wait for an accurate reading before recording the mass.

Does a paper clip have mass of one gram?


How does thirty kilograms of paper clips and thirty five kilograms of lead compare in terms of mass and inertia?

The mass of thirty kilograms of paper clips is the same as thirty-five kilograms of lead. However, lead has a higher density than paper clips, so the lead will have a smaller volume compared to the paper clips. In terms of inertia, both objects will have the same inertia when experiencing the same acceleration, as inertia is directly proportional to mass.

What are examples of things you can measure in milligrams?

The mass of insects, paper clips.

How many paper clips equal a gram?

The mass of a paper clip is simply measured in grams.