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Q: What has only one dimension?
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What is the use of dim in one dimensional and two dimensional in array?

if one dimension means it have only rows but in two dimension means it have both row and coloumns

How do you find the volume of a stack of centimeter cubes?

To find the volume of a stack of centimeter cubes you only need to have the dimension of one side. Once you get the dimension of one side you can find its cube to get the volume of the stack.

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When finding the area of an rectangle how do you solve the problem if they only give you the lengt an the area?

-- If they give you the length and the area, then you don't have to look very hard to find the area. It's right there in front of you, and you only need to copy it. -- If they give you the area and one dimension, then the quotient of (area) divided by (the given dimension) is the missing dimension.

What is an other dimension?

An "other dimension" is a dimension other than the three dimensions of space and one of time that we normally experience.

What is the dimension of a Avon bicycle?

The dimension of what? There are more than one feature to a bicycle.

What is the dimension of 1 ton of water?

The dimension is [M], that is, one lot of mass.

How are the dift health dimension related to one another?

The relation between them is that balance must always be present among all of them. If there is no balance, you could not say that you are healthy, you must not only be healthy in one dimension, you must be healthy in all dimensions.

What is the difference between one dimensional and two dimensional?

One dimension has only one axis of possibilities. Motion in one dimension is motion on straight line. Two dimensions is motion on a plane. Two axes meet at right angles and extend in both directions. A point can be located anywhere that can be described as two points in this plane.

What is the dimension of radius in unit and measurements?

The dimension is one of length. The value depends on the specific case.

What is a one dimensional shape?

A one-dimensional shape is a line. A straight line does not have to have a width, only a length. A curved line has both a linear dimension and an angular width (subtended arc).*A point is said to have zero of three classical dimensions, while it does have a dimension of time.

What is an object with no thickness that extends to infinity in two opposite directions?

This is another definition of a line. It has only one dimension: infinite length.