

What has only one dimension?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What has only one dimension?
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Only standard dimension of a bathroom is that the Tub if there is one usualy takes up 5 feet of one wall. Beyond that, anything goes.

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To find the volume of a stack of centimeter cubes you only need to have the dimension of one side. Once you get the dimension of one side you can find its cube to get the volume of the stack.

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It is a different dimension; a different universe. You can only view the dimension you are presently in.

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An "other dimension" is a dimension other than the three dimensions of space and one of time that we normally experience.

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The dimension of what? There are more than one feature to a bicycle.

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The dimension is [M], that is, one lot of mass.

What is the difference between one dimensional and two dimensional?

One dimension has only one axis of possibilities. Motion in one dimension is motion on straight line. Two dimensions is motion on a plane. Two axes meet at right angles and extend in both directions. A point can be located anywhere that can be described as two points in this plane.