Frederick N Dyer has written:
'Using an assessment center to predict field leadership performance of Army officers and NCOs' -- subject- s -: Leadership, Non-commissioned officers, Officers, United States, United States. Army
N N. Krasovskii has written: 'Stability of motion'
N. Kalashnikoff has written: 'The defender'
N. Bogoslovskii has written: 'Turgenev'
A. N. Patel has written: 'Dhniva'
N N. Yudenich has written: 'Statistika bytovogo obsluzhivaniya naseleniya'
J. Frederick N. Green has written: 'The Older Palaeozoic succession of the Duddon Estuary'
Thomas Frederick Wall has written: 'Transmisio n y distribucio n de electricidad' 'Electricity' -- subject(s): Electricity 'Transmission lines and A. C. networks' -- subject(s): Electric circuits, Electric power distribution
Kenneth Neil Ogle has written: 'Oculomotor imbalance in binocular vision and fixation disparity [by] Kenneth N. Ogle, Theodore G. Martens [and] John A. Dyer' -- subject(s): Eye, Movements
N. N. Beldiceanu has written: 'Taina'
N. N. Venediktov has written: 'Turkmenka'
N. N. Davydov has written: 'Botanicheskii Slovar''
N. N. Nekrasov has written: 'Regional'naya ekonomika'
N. N. Korj has written: 'Physiology and biophysics'
N. N. Mezhekova has written: 'Zve zdochka'
N. N. Urbantsev has written: 'Otkrytie Noril'ska'
N N. Krasovskii has written: 'Stability of motion'
N. Dzgoev has written: 'Arba'