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Q: What have Europeans done to try and solve the problem of so many languages?
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What have europeans done to try to solve the problem of so many languages being spoken on the continent?

they once tried to get a new language off the ground called "Esperanto" made up of several European languages, but it failed miserably, so that was the end of that experiment. This being said, most Europeans speak several languages, or have a good knowledge, so it really is not too bad of a problem for most people.

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Probably the same as before, done logically in your own head, or done using computers or other helping methods. It might get easier to solve a problem because of new technologies. the first step to solve a problem is to see what the problem is.

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Stop cutting trees

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By show the number and add it when it done

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you solve the people's problems. You know your done when you get the medal from, usually, the person who presented you with the problem.

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you write your name , then write the date , then solve the problem , then let the teacher check it , then you will be done .............

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What can be done to help solve the problem of deforstation?

i dont know maybe people could stop cutting down friggin trees