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Q: What helped zero as Stanly and he made their way to the thumb?
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What helped zero as he and Stanley made their way toward the thumb?

zero as he and stanley walked torwards the thump

Was zero stanly's distant cousin?

No, but their ancestors knew each other.

Who attacked zigzag when he was beating up stanly?

Zero attacks ZigZag when he is beating up Stanley.

What was the one thing that happened as Stanley and Zero were in the hole?

While Stanley and Zero were stuck with the poisonous lizards, Zero was able to sound out the writing on the suitcase to identify that it had Stanley's name on it. In the meanwhile, outside of the hole, the lawyers were trying to sort out everything that had gone on at the camp.

Why did Stanley and zero go around gods thumb?

To find water.

Holes chapter 31-40 where were Stanley and zero headed?

Big Thumb

In holes Why does Stanley find zero?

no, actually, Zero is under a boat (Mary Lou) when Stanley finds him..

How do you say 0001 in military time?

You would say zero for the zeros " so 0001 would be zero zero zero one; or 0015 would be zero zero fifteen and so on. Hope this helped

What happen to zero's hands in the book Holes by Louis Sachar?

Zero ends up trying to save Stanley using his shovel as soon as they get to God's Thumb. But, when Zero saves Stanley, the shovel gives him a huge gash on his hand.

In the book Holes In chapters 29 to 39 when does Zero collapse?

Zero collapses in Chapter 39 of "Holes" after they have been wandering in the desert without water for days. His collapse is due to dehydration and exhaustion.

In Holes where do Stanley and Zero decide to go?

Stanley and Zero decide to go to "God's Thumb," a mountain in the desert, in search of water and the truth about their family histories. They embark on a perilous journey across the desert to reach their destination.

What does the mountain called gods thumb represent from the movie holes?

The mountain with his onionfields saved the lives of Caveman, his greatgrandfather and Zero.