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Q: What house hold item dose the Tetrahedron?
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What house hold item is like a glacier?

A lamp shade

What house hold item will harm your bunny?

Rabbit Poison. Toothpaste. Spermicide.

Is weed a house hold item?

Since it's not legal, I would say not ordinarily.

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House hold things that start with y?

Yes Plus Fabric Softener is a household item. Yodora Deodorant is a household item. Yellow peppers are a household item.

When did color television become a house hold item?

I'm not so sure. I think it was 1895 though.

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What household item uses ultrasound?

Besides jewelry cleaners it is uncommon to find any "normal" house hold items that utilize this technology.

Can I place a hold on this item for pickup the next day?

Yes, you can place a hold on this item for pickup the next day.

How do You Hold the item in back of you with the wii wheel?

Hold B