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Q: What i it called when you are comparing 2 different things?
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magnify glass
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When ana Rosa said ''i was a balloon finally free of it string '' what two things was she comparing?

The two things she was comparing are (1) the baloon, and (2) herself.The two things she was comparing are (1) the baloon, and (2) herself.The two things she was comparing are (1) the baloon, and (2) herself.The two things she was comparing are (1) the baloon, and (2) herself.

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its comparing 2 things

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double bar graphs are used for comparing data between 2 different things.

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A magnifying glass is also called a microscope?

No. These are 2 different things.

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Metal wheels or the large Balls. They are 2 different types of things.

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A shape poem

What is a double-bar graph used for?

Comparing 2 different item samples.

Is it correct to say Most Outstanding?

Yes, if you're comparing more than 2 things.

How do you use ascertain in an analogy?

The term ascertain means to make sure of. You would use this in an analogy by comparing 2 or more things to be certain they are either different or the same; whichever you are trying to prove.

A logic circuit which determines if one input is equal to another is called?

A XNOR gate for comparing 2 inputs

What is 250 ml into kg?

You are comparing 2 differen things: Volume and Weight. So there is no answer, unless you tell the density of the substance you are working with.